求職路上,選新創還是大企業?這個題目幾乎可以說是萬年題目,每年都會有人討論、每年都歷久不衰,大概是僅次於「要不要考研究所?」的熱門議題。有人說在新創可以學習全面、學老闆的思維,有人說去大公司可以學制度、學專精、學團隊合作等,各有各好,到底該怎麼選才好?曾分別在台灣和矽谷新創及上市公司任職的台籍軟體工程師 Ian Tsai 整理本身經歷,列舉新創和大企業的優缺點,為有意投入軟體業的工程師指路。
Full-Stack Engineer (🇺🇸 Full-Remote)
Aha AI
2000000 3500000
- javascript
- node.js
- react
- Full Stack Development
- Full-Stack Web Development
- frontend
- ● In-depth knowledge of TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and front-end languages.
- back-end
- back-end engineering
- back-end development
- front-end
- Software Engineering
- Back End Engineer
- Front End Engineer
- Engineering
- PostgreSQL
- Database Systems
- Information Technology
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a similar field.
- web framework
- JavasSript frameworks
- engineer
- software engineer
- software engineering
- engineering
Engineering Lead / Manager (🇺🇸 Full-Remote)
Aha AI
2000000 3500000
- engineer
- Majoring in engineering
- software engineer
- software engineering
- engineering
- back-end engineering
- front end
- front-end
- frontend
- ● In-depth knowledge of TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and front-end languages.
- back-end
- Education background
- back-end development
- backend testing
- backend development
- backend developer
- backend
- full-stack
- full stack
Mobile App Engineer (🇺🇸 Full-Remote)
Aha AI
2000000 3500000
- Web or mobile application testing
- mobile app
- mobile application
- web application / mobile app
- engineer
- software engineer
- software engineering
- engineering
- iOS Development
- iOS developer
- iOS工程師
- iOS
- Android
- Android Application Development
- Android System Apps
- Android Engineer
- app developer
- Web applications
- android app
- Web application
- Web application development experience